Important notice
The performance has a limited capacity. Tickets are priced at 160 CZK for children and 130 CZK for adults. Children are all valid from 10 months of age. The performance is intended for children from 1 - 3 years old.
A fairytale lullaby inspired by Petra Kubáčková's book About an Angel, a Nightmare, a Brave Teddy Bear, a Good Elephant, a Monkey and a Wild Goose and a Sleepless Toníček.
This performance, light as a feather, follows the European trend of creation for children from zero to three years called Theater for very young (so-called theater for the youngest). At present, many theaters and artists are working on this trend abroad, and we are now bringing it to the Czech Republic for the first time.
The performance offers children their first contact with the theater - it is interactive, respects their needs and sensitively introduces them to the world of sounds, voices, movements, touches, puppets. From the age of 10 months, babies begin to remember things around them, and the world they do not see immediately begins to exist for them.
After the performance, children can play with the puppets used in the production.
For children from 10 months to 3 years and their parents.
The performance has a limited capacity. Tickets are priced at 160 CZK for children and 130 CZK for adults. Children are all valid from 10 months of age. The performance is intended for children from 1 - 3 years old.