Letní Letná as a part of the European project Circus Link
Letní Letná as a part of the European project Circus Link
Letní Letná is one of the four partners of the innovative project Circus Link focused on the mobility of contemporary circus companies.
Four festivals from the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, and Portugal jointly select artistic ensembles for programs of the individual festivals, organise meetings and share experience. A digital platform is thus being created with the aim to bring circus companies, program managers, and artists together to facilitate their communication.
This year, we are bringing to Prague companies Cirque La Compagnie with their performance L'avis Bidon, which is a part of the Circus Link project and which has been nominated by one of the largest French festivals, Biennale Internationale des Arts du Cirque.
The Czechs will be represented by the Losers Cirque Company with their show Heroes.
The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Avec le soutien de l’Institut français à Paris / Projekt byl podořen Francouzským institututem v Paříži.
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