Do you miss festivals in summer?
Save the date for Letní Letná!
Do you miss the festival summer? Us a lot. We miss warm days and evenings, a carefree mood, lemonade and draft beer. The artists, who give their best in every performance. But mainly you. We miss our circus picnic with a view of the whole of Prague.
We always aim to do our best so that you can enjoy a cocktail of joy, tension and adrenaline at the end of the summer. Last year it meant a light version of Letní Letná, this year we would very much like the full version. After all, we all deserve it after that difficult year. We, you and the artists.
The new circus is free-spirited, romantic, creative and exciting. It's a synonym for freedom, which we don't have much right now. However, we see the light at the end of the tent and we believe that in August we will enjoy the best of the new circus again.
Are you coming with us? Come on!